Tag Archives: Goys

Who’s Giving Us a Bad Name This Week: Faigy Grossman

No, this isn’t about her name.

Faigy ripped off Dance Dance Revolution with a video game for Orthodox to boogie down.

Just what we need during the holidays: Gyrating Hasidim telling Goys they got served.

Look, ma, shpilkus!

Suggested by MWS

Trayf of the Day: Bakon Vodka

Don’t let the less-than-creative creative spelling fool you, Bakon Vodka is really bacon vodka.

So far I don’t smell a conspiracy — I think Goys just drink.  But if this company releases Bakon Manischevitz, I’m calling the Anti-Defamation League.

Once and for all proving Mary's no virgin

Karate-Chopping Goys

I know it’s hard out there for a shepherd, but since when did you need to start a fight club to round up a flock?  “A priest, a minister, and a mixed martial arts fighter walk into a bar” is neither the start of a good Sunday, nor a good joke.

Besides, everyone knows your average Christian prefers Jesus Christ Superstar to the ass-kicking JC.

Don't drop THIS soap